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Desember 12 - en av dom beste Bibelvers om Guds ankomst til jorden


Det er mange ting å tenke på om Gud og Guds sønn Jesus i adventstid. Jeg tenker på denne teksten ganske ofte, mest fordi den dekker det meste av hva jeg egentlig ønsker meg til jul. Det er litt langt men det tåles å leses flere ganger. Les alle verb hva Jesus kom for å gjøre:


14 It is true that we share the same Father with Jesus.

And it is true that we share the same kind of flesh and blood

because Jesus became a man like us.

He died as we must die.

Through His death He destroyed the power of the devil who has the power of death. 

15 Jesus did this to make us free from the fear of death.

We no longer need to be chained to this fear. 

16 Jesus did not come to help angels.

Instead, He came to help men who are of Abraham’s family. 

17 So Jesus had to become like His brothers in every way.

He had to be one of us to be our High Priest to go between God and us.

He had loving-pity on us and He was faithful.

He gave Himself as a gift to die on a cross for our sins

so that God would not hold these sins against us any longer. 

18 Because Jesus was tempted as we are and suffered as we do,

He understands us and He is able to help us when we are tempted.

Heb 2:14-18


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